Another leading Chinese carmaker, Great Wall Motors, is reaping fruits of its going-global efforts in Russia.
Another key driver for the growth of Chinese visitors in Finland is the airline service. According to Michael Booth, an award-winning English travel writer, the expansion of Finnair into the Asia market, especially China, is "aggressive".
Another carving store owner, who gave only her surname, Huang, reported a similar situation. The sales of ornamental carvings of mammoth tusk, bone, wood and stones in her store has even enjoyed a slight rise since the ban took effect, she said.
Any responsible government and society ruled by law will by no means tolerate this and do nothing at all, Wang said, noting that Hong Kong affairs are China's domestic affairs and the intervention of foreign forces is not allowed.
Any measures taken to ensure the quality standards of soybeans will contribute to consumers' food safety and at the same time help make the trade sustainable, Wei said.